Wednesday 20 January 2010

50 Progressive Groups Oppose Conrad-Gregg Deficit Commission, Calling It 'Dangerous and Undemocratic'

Progressive leaders representing more than 50 groups will join together in a news conference call this morning to oppose Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., and Sen. Judd Gregg's, D-N.H., controversial plan to create a "fast track" deficit commission.

The Senate is preparing to vote on legislation this week by Sen. Conrad and Sen. Gregg to create a special commission with extraordinary powers to cut federal spending. Congress will vote on the plan in a "fast track" procedure with limited debate and no opportunity for amendments.

"We write in strong opposition to the proposal of Senators Kent Conrad, Judd Gregg and others to create a deficit-reduction commission that would override the normal legislative process and replace it with expedited procedures prohibiting amendments and limiting debate," the groups declared in a letter to Congress and the White House. "If the Conrad-Gregg proposal were to become law, it could dramatically change by stealth critical benefits and services so vital to America's families."

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