Wednesday 20 January 2010

National Hospice Foundation Sends Funds to Hospice Organizations in Haiti

Using funds from its Disaster Relief Fund, the National Hospice Foundation has donated an initial $15,000 to Haitian earthquake relief. Three organizations doing on-the-ground work in Haiti have each received $5,000: Holy Angels Hospice, Partners in Health, and the Hopital Albert Schweitzer (Albert Schweitzer Hospital).

"Just like everybody who has been watching the heartbreaking images from Haiti, NHF's board and staff have reacted with horror and sadness to the tragedy unfolding in that nation," said J. Donald Schumacher, President & CEO. "We were so grateful that past donations to the NHF Disaster Relief Fund allowed us to respond quickly with cash to these three fine organizations. It feels good to know we are doing something tangible to help in the wake of such devastation."

Holy Angels Hospice & Orphanage is located in Port-au-Prince. The facility is still standing, yet Holy Angels is in dire need of financial resources to ramp up service provision. Prior to the earthquake, they focused exclusively on caring for children. With current needs, Holy Angels plans to expand services.

Partners in Health is a Boston-based international health agency that has been working in Haiti for more than 20 years. PIH works to bring modern medical care to poor communities in nine countries around the world. One of PIH's main goals in Haiti is to help with pain relief. PIH has deep roots and a major presence in Haiti, particularly in the Central Plateau region northeast of Port-au-Prince.

The Hopital Albert Schweitzer is located 42 miles outside of Port-au-Prince and escaped damage. According to the hospital director, the 120-bed hospital went over capacity within minutes following the earthquake and the staff of 200 immediately shifted into a mass casualty protocol. They report that x-ray machines and operating rooms are in constant use.

"Knowing that the need for assistance is both immediate and long-term, NHF will monitor the situation in Haiti and make additional donations during the long period of rebuilding," added Schumacher.

NHF invites individuals to make donations directly to these three organizations or to NHF's Disaster Relief Fund:

Holy Angels Hospice & Orphanage (
Partners in Health (
Hopital Albert Schweitzer (
NHF's Disaster Relief Fund (

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